Protocol to handle Unrecognized Persons at Camp
Our camp facility is locked at all times with a full-time security guard on-site. All guests familiar or unrecognized must present valid ID to security. Only approved personnel may enter the camp facility or grounds.
Parental Rights
Parents have the right to review background check, health care, discipline policies and grievance procedures upon request.
Updates from from MDPH
Meningococcal Vaccines: The state notes the newest requirement for the meningococcal vaccine (MenACWY) for children entering grades 7 and 11, and that children should meet the immunization requirements for the grade they will be entering following the camp season. This includes a phase-in schedule for one dose for students grades 7-9 and two doses for students in grades 11-12. As information regarding meningococcal disease and immunization is required to be provided to parents/guardians annually, please ensure you update any documents to reflect this change.