We want campers to feel comfortable on their first day at Camp Gan Israel


Pre-Camp Open House

Sunday, June 23rd
4:30PM - 5:30PM
60 Stein Circle, Newton
, MA 02459

  • Campers meet their bunk counselors
  • Campers decorate their camp locker magnet
  • Pick up 2 luggage tags - please attach one to your backpack and one to your lunch box. (this will help the staff direct you to the correct bunk and will let you know where to go for the morning lineup.)
  • Pick up a camp calendar
  • Get your 3 camp t-shirts
  • Review any allergies, medications, behavioral plans etc. With your child’s counselor and head staff.
  • Confirm that you have uploaded and filled in all your necessary forms i.e. Health forms. Campers cannot begin camp without all forms uploaded to ultracamp.
  • Settle any outstanding balances. Campers cannot begin camp with an outstanding tuition balance.


If you are unable to come to the open house, you should plan to take care of all the above on your child/ren’s first day of camp.

As a reminder:

  • No camper will be allowed in camp without a health form.
  • If your child carries an EPI pen, please provide one to be left at camp. You must verbally and in writing detail all their allergies. A camp allergy form must be filled out at the open house or on your child’s first day of camp. Forms will be available at the front desk.  
  • Additionally, if your child receives any support or medication for help with behavior management, please let us know. All information will be kept confidential. This will allow us to best serve your child and peers.