Camp Gan Israel staff are responsible, dedicated and caring people. Our staff members are high school seniors, college students, teachers, coaches, school psychologists and social workers.

About Our Staff

Camp Gan Israel staff are responsible, dedicated and caring people. Our staff members are high school seniors, college students, teachers, coaches, school psychologists and social workers.

About Our Location

Camp Gan Israel is located at The Solomon Schechter Lower School at 60 Stein Circle Newton MA 

About Your Hours

Staff arrive a half an hour prior to camp start, and leave 20 minutes after camp end time.

About Salary

Salary ranges depend on position and experience.

About References

You are required to provide three references when you submit your application. These references must be professional associations such as teachers, professors, employers, etc., who know you and have had interactions with you. Please be prepared to provide the names, phone numbers, and email addresses of your references before you start your application (email addresses required).

About the Employment Process

You will be contacted for an interview if your qualifications match the opportunities we have available. We cannot extend an offer of employment without complete references.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] 

Apply Now for An Experience of A Lifetime!