Dear Parents,
Welcome to the 10th season of Camp Gan Israel at Chestnut Hill. We have earned our reputation as one of the finest Jewish summer camps in Boston. Whether this is your first summer with us or you have been here before, we are delighted that you are joining us and we are certain that your children will have a wonderful camp experience. Our Jewish summer camp offers everything you'd expect from a great summer experience—sports, music, nature exploration—all within a supportive community that builds strong Jewish identities and lifelong friendships.The counselors and staff at Camp Gan Israel at Chestnut Hill are eager to greet your children with many new and exciting programs planned for this year.
Camp Gan Israel at Chestnut Hill is committed to providing a superb day camp experience for Jewish children in Chestnut Hill and the surrounding towns. We offer outstanding sports, arts, drama and science classes taught under the guidance of professional staff who are passionate about their fields. We choose counselors who are loving and dedicated to taking care of and connecting with your children.
Camp Gan Israel is fully licensed in the state of Massachusetts and by the city of Newton. The focus of our program is on the health, safety and well being of your children while they are here and having fun.
CGI is located on the grounds of the Solomon Schechter Lower School at 60 Stein Circle, Newton. The campus is uniquely suited for a wonderful camp experience. The spacious indoor and outdoor facilities enable us to provide campers with summer fun, whatever the weather outside. Two specially designed playgrounds, playing fields, air-conditioned classrooms, tennis courts, a basketball court, an auditorium, an indoor gymnasium and common areas all add to the Camp Gan Israel summer experience. We also have 2 large tents set up on the grounds to allow many of our activities to take place outdoors. Our swimming program takes place at The Dedham Health & Athletic Summer Club. This includes swim instruction at the indoor salt water pool, and outdoor swim time in their water park.
Campers must bring a dairy or parve (no meat) lunch and 2 snacks daily. We are a nut sensitive camp, ensuring that campers with nut allergies are served only nut free foods and do not come in contact with campers’ lunches that contain nuts
Water fountains are available around the camp site and each camper is given a water bottle and insulated carrier to keep with them at all times. Campers are required to stop for a drink at specific times. Water is available at all times.
Campers must arrive to camp with sunscreen already applied and we will reapply after lunch.
Key to CGI Success.
CGI prides itself on its exceptional staff members, chosen for their personal warmth, sensitivity and ability to connect with each child. All our counselors have prior camping experience, are fully trained in CPR and First Aid and participate in an intense pre-camp orientation process. The camp maintains a low staff/camper ratio.
This website will provide you with all the necessary information regarding camp. However, if you have any concerns, questions or suggestions, please feel free to call us at 617.738.6966 or email [email protected].
We are looking forward to an amazing summer!
Don't forget to check us out on Facebook too!
Yours sincerely,
Grunie Uminer - Camp Director
Susan Blanchard - Program Director
To read more about our camp Click Here.